Wednesday 11 July 2012

Red Lights

Directed by: Rodrigo Cortes

Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Robert De Niro, Cillian Murphy

Plot: A psychologist (Sigourney) and her colleague (Cillian) investigate paranormal/ psychic occurances but when world famous and self-proclaimed psychic (De Niro) returns from retirements, events start to unfold that could lead them questioning everything they know.

I was interested by the concept of this film of disproving paranormal powers but at the same time it left the question in your head, Is it real? The film also had the themes of self belief which was made clear at the end and was not subtle about what they wanted to show. However, it was ironic how a film about physics had a "twist" that I guessed in the first five minutes of the film. I felt that it was boring at times with long periods of times where nothing was happening. Although I thought Cillian's performance was the best thing in it (which wasn't hard) there was no chemistry between the characters and the whole film seemed that it lacked emotion until the final sequence. When they tried to included an emotional depth to it by involving the concuss son of Margaret Matheson (Sigourney) it just felt flaccid and then it didn't reflect or resolve any development in the film.

I promised myself I wouldn't be too critical with any film but oh well. Overall, parts were entertaining especially when they involved disproving physics and revealing some tricks of the trade - although they may not be true it seemed interesting. However, the performances were not good expect for De Niro who wasn't just bad, but awful in one of the least convincing performances he has done. The concept still interests me but I wished they developed the characters more and worked on an ending that wasn't predictable or made sense as to me the ending although reflected the themes of self belief, didn't follow the rest of the film.

The Good: Concept
The Bad: Didn't hold interest
The Ugly: De Niro

Rating: 1.5*

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