Tuesday 21 August 2012


Directed by: Seth Macfarlane

Starring: Seth Macfarlane, Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis

Plot: When John Bennett (Mark) wishes for the friend he never had, he soon gets his wish as his teddy bear "Ted" comes alive. However, as they both get older they soon may realise that a boy can't have a teddy bear for ever.


First of all I wanted to say that i'm sorry this article has taken so long to write.   I watched it the day it came out, but I have just been too busy but have finally managed to get around to writing it. From now on i'm going to try and post a review in the week I have seen a movie. Even tho this review is a lot shorter than I normally write I just wanted to get it done but promise when I eventually get to the cinema next time I will write a more in depth review and not leave it as long to post it.

Comedy. Comedy is one of the genres that will always be given an unfair image in the fact that people say that a good comedy film is "a good comedy film but an OK film".  When people do this they are just being stupid as to make a good or even great film it needs to successfully fit into it's genre. For example a great drama needs to create drama, a great action film needs to show great action and a great comedy film needs to create great comedy. 

This was a good film. And from the creator of Family Guy and American Dad then we knew it would be. I also knew it would have terrific one liners and oh yes there were. The next paragraph will be one liner quotes from Ted to prove how funny the film was.

- Oh, where are my manners? Lori, this is Angelique, Heavenly, Charene, and Sauvignon Blanc. I love you girls. Y'know, somewhere out there are four terrible fathers I wish I could thank for this great night! 
My daughter better still be alive you sick son of a bitch. 
Chris Brown can do no wrong!
I'll tell you what I got. Your wife's pussy on my breath.
Or, or, or, maybe the floor is on the shit.
Now if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that nothing is more powerful than a young boy's wish. Except an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine. 
No matter how big a splash you make in this world whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz, Justin Bieber or a talking teddy bear, eventually, nobody gives a shit. 

As you can see there are plenty of jokes in this film and amazing one liners. Especially the main characters of Ted and John who were the funniest pair in the film and proves from "the other guys" that Mark Wahlberg can do comedy. Ted was the right balance of sarcasm and humor and was the Teddy bear version of the Bad Santa character by Billy Bob Thornton. Whereas John was the naive child like character that had terrific moments and created chemistry with Ted which was great to see considering that Ted was animated (Even tho he is real to me).

However, although there were great lines in this film, it seemed for a comedy film that there were long periods from joke to joke so wasn't a continual flow and seemed too gappy in parts. Also, I thought they missed a trick with some of characters they had and although it is a comedy film there is still no excuse for not having a proper story line or having and developing other supporting characters.  If it flowed more with a few more jokes and less time between each joke instead of long periods with no jokes than I think it would have improved the film overall and would have been the funniest film this year and not second to 21 Jump Street.

The Good: "I tell you what I have, your wife's pussy on my breath"
The Bad: Seemed to have long jokeless periods
The Ugly: Not Enough From The Narrator (Not Saying Who He Is)

Rating: 3*